We've Moved!

As of November 2023, the POD Center's administrative home has moved to the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing at UC Davis. This occurred when POD Center Co-Director Dr. Leigh Ann Simmons started a new position on November 1, 2023 as a tenured professor at the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing at UC Davis. 

While the POD Center has transitioned, we continue our mission statement's commitment to:

  • Understand multifactorial perinatal influences on health trajectories and disparities across the lifespan
  • Apply interdisciplinary science and technology to the challenge of eliminating health disparities in the 21st century
  • Increase the proportion of underrepresented minorities in science and medicine
  • Train the next generation of scientists to approach research using an interdisciplinary lens
  • Engage, educate, and empower families to reduce health disparities for themselves and within their communities
  • Serve as a model learning laboratory for reducing perinatal origins of disparities through innovative interventions